Monthly Archives: August 2024

Health Care for a Chronic Kidney Patient on Hemodialysis

Why kidney care is important

We know that the kidneys are organs that make up the excretory and osmoregulatory system, performing vital activities for our health. They are responsible for filtering the blood, eliminating toxins from our body through the urine. Avoiding the increase in blood pressure and the appearance of edema, among other functions that contribute to the proper functioning of our body.

How the chronic kidney patient keeps the kidney healthy

The kidney patient, like anyone else, must have a normal life in order to be able to carry out their day-to-day activities without worrying about health. For this, balance is the keyword to keep the kidney healthy

Care that chronic kidney patient should take with food

Care in feeding should start with liquids. The renal patient undergoing hemodialysis should be careful with the excess fluid ingested since it can accumulate in the body and force the activities of the lungs and heart.

Knowing this, some tips for curbing thirst are important;

  • Avoid salty or very sweet foods;
  • Rinse with water;
  • Use a small glass to drink liquids;
  • Suck ice;

kidney specialist in Delhi

Sodium – The care that chronic kidney patients should take with salt intake

Reducing the amount of salt that is ingested can decrease chronic kidney failure. To reduce salt consumption, it is important to avoid processed foods, such as: preserved foods, sausages (ham, sausage, bologna, salami), ready-made spices and salty cheeses. At mealtime, give preference to natural spices that are healthier and give more flavor to foods: onion, garlic, pepper, bay leaf, basil, etc.

Chronic kidney patient and blood pressure 

The patient with renal failure tends to raise his blood pressure for two reasons. The first occurs because the kidney cannot properly eliminate the ingested salt, and the other happens due to the kidney’s disruption of hormone production, which regulates our blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensive patients or those with chronic kidney disease should avoid salt intake, suggests nephrologist in Delhi.

Renal patient and the consumption of Calcium and Phosphorus

Kidney failure causes the levels of phosphorus and calcium in our body to be altered, so it is important to be aware of their intake. This is because the kidney is unable to expel these elements properly, causing them to accumulate in our body, which can be very harmful to health.

Hyperpotassemia in chronic renal patients

Potassium levels in the blood increase when the kidney cannot eliminate its excess from the body, causing hyperkalemia. Because it is a mineral that acts on muscles and nerves, the accumulation of potassium can cause muscle weakness and change in a heartbeat.

Is carambola toxic to chronic kidney patients?

Chronic kidney patients should not eat star fruit because it is toxic. Research indicated that carambola’s toxicity was due to the presence of oxalate in the fruit. However, new studies show that the fruit is toxic due to the caramboxin toxin. This toxin contributes to the inhibition of GABAergic, the main inhibitory system of the central nervous system, which can cause serious complications for the health of chronic kidney patients, warns kidney specialist in Delhi.

Chronic kidney patient and skincare

Some chronic kidney patients may experience some discomfort due to dry and itchy skin. This can occur due to high levels of minerals and hormones in our body or due to changes in sweat and oil glands. As a way to prevent itching it is important to be aware of the levels of calcium and phosphorus that are being ingested in the diet.

Venous access is done before hemodialysis, which can be permanent or temporary. Chronic kidney patients tend to choose definitive access because it allows treatment to be long-lasting and to have a low rate of complications. To prevent complications from happening some care with the fistula is necessary. In the first sessions, it is important to save as much as possible the member who receives the access, avoiding sudden movements and great efforts. On a daily basis, nephrologist in Delhi recommends avoiding impacts and trauma in the area, so as not to hurt or infect the area.

Physical activity and chronic renal patient

In general, patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis have little tolerance for physical activities, due to some weakness or because they are inactive. There are still no in-depth studies on the risk of physical exercise in these patients, but there are no reports of serious problems resulting from physical training. There are descriptions of aerobic training interventions that have been used to increase maximum oxygen capacity in pre-selected patients. Studies suggest that aerobic training can improve blood pressure and mental health in chronic kidney patients. The study also concludes that physical and aerobic exercise benefits the patient in the dialysis and interdialytic phase, benefiting the cardiorespiratory capacity, physical conditioning, muscle strength, and functional capacity.

We can see that the care that the chronic kidney patient must have covered different situations in our life. Following these steps, the quality of life of the chronic renal patient tends to increase considerably. The care, balance, and monitoring of a qualified and specialized medical team is an important differential for effective renal treatment and a happier life for the patient.

Kidney Pain May Indicate Infections or the Presence of Calculus

Back pain is very common and, in most cases, it is not of kidney origin but of spinal diseases, generically called low back pain.

Kidney pains are usually on one side (right or left) and project in the lower back. They are cramps of varying intensity, which can go down the front of the belly to the groin and genital region, in addition to being accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and changes in the urine.

To be sure that the pain originates from the kidney, it is necessary to look for a sign called Giordano, a situation in which the nephrologist in Delhi gives small pats with the closed fist on the lumbar region (percussion fist), from top to bottom, which provokes the appearance of pain. In this case, the signal is positive, that is, the pain is probably due to kidney disease.

What are the possible causes of this pain?

The most frequent cause is the presence of stones (lithiasis), which clog the urinary tract and dilate the affected kidney (hydronephrosis), causing very severe pain that requires administration of analgesics, antispasmodics, and injectable anti-inflammatories. They are the famous renal colic that, according to popular culture, are maddening and worse than those that women feel during labor.

Also, infections of the upper urinary tract, which directly affect one or both kidneys (pyelonephritis) are causes of pain such as those described. Typical cases are accompanied by changes in urine and general symptoms such as fever, cloudy and dark urine, malaise, poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

Acute nephritis due to kidney inflammation can also be responsible for pain. They are bilateral and accompanied by changes in urine and even high blood pressure.

Less frequent causes are real polycystic disease, kidney tumors, and trauma, for example.

kidney pain

When to get the kidney specialist in Delhi?

In the case of pain in the lumbar region of acute appearance, in colic, with the characteristics already described, especially if they are accompanied by dark or cloudy urine, with dust, in addition to pain or burning in urination, the urge to urinate all the time with the leaving small amounts of pee, personal or family history of eliminating stones or polycystic kidneys and the presence of general signs and symptoms are indicative that a nephrologist in Delhi should be sought.

Learn How To Take Care Of The Kidneys And Stay Away From Kidney Diseases

Kidney Health for All is the theme of World Kidney Day 2019. But, do you know how important this organ is for the proper functioning of the body? First, for those who do not know yet, the word kidney goes to the plural because we have two. And they are in the posterior abdomen, one on the right and one on the left.

Their main function is to filter blood to control the amount of water and salt in the body, eliminate toxins, help control high blood pressure and produce hormones that prevent bone anaemia and decalcification, and eliminate medications and other ingested substances.

It is precisely for its numerous functions that the kidneys need to be healthy. Sick kidneys cause so-called kidney disease, which is a cause of concern worldwide because of the growing number of cases.

According to the best nephrologist in Delhi, 850 million people have kidney disease worldwide. Chronic Kidney Disease causes at least 2.4 million deaths annually, with an increased mortality rate. And the most affected are people living in low- and middle-income countries.

According to Dr. Vinant Bhargava, kidney specialist in Delhi, the main risk factors for kidney disease are hypertension, diabetes, and a family history of kidney disease. But obesity, smoking and the use of toxic medications can also affect kidney health.

“In India, one in 10 Indians will have some kind of kidney disease. He has and does not know, because kidney disease is silent. It has no major symptoms. And since diabetes and hypertension are prevalent diseases in India, and also remembering obesity, these diseases lead to chronic kidney disease. And if the person has a very poor kidney function, below 10%, he will go on hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or need a transplant, ”explains the nephrologist


Kidney care means staying away from kidney disease. For prevention, one of the main tips is to adopt a less salty diet. “We here in India eat around 12 grams of salt per day when adequate would be around 2 grams of salt/day. Salt has a retaining effect on water. This causes the kidneys to work at higher blood pressure, leading to kidney disease or chronic kidney disease. And for those who are diabetic, the diet should also be controlled, especially in relation to sugar, ”draws the attention of Dr. Vinant Bhargava.

Hydration is indispensable. “We should not wait for thirst to drink water. Thirst already means dehydration. An increased amount of fluid should be taken to further filter the urine. The pathologies that can be harmed by lack of water are those who already have kidney stones, the kidney stone. You have to drink a lot more water, always trying to prevent the crystals from getting too long in the urine, forming increasing leg formation.”

Elderly people, patients with cardiovascular disease and patients with a history of kidney disease in relatives have great potential to develop kidney injury and should be investigated with urine screening and blood creatinine levels. “These are simple tests available that provide valuable information to tell how the kidneys are working. The recommendation is to take the exam once a year. And anyone who already has a family history, hypertension or diabetes is at least every six months.”